Source code for ode.integrators

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# integrators

__all__ = [
        'Euler', 'euler',
        'Verlet', 'verlet',
        'BackwardEuler', 'backwardeuler',

import numpy as np

class Integrator:
    def __init__(self, dfun, xzero, timerange):
        '''Initializes dfun, xzero, timestart, timeend,
        sets time at start and steps to zero.'''
        assert len(timerange) == 2
        self.timestart, self.timeend = timerange
        self.time = self.timestart
        # check output of dfun, wrap w/ np.array if necessary
        xtest = dfun(self.time, xzero)
        if not isinstance(xtest, np.ndarray):
            xtest = np.array(xtest)
            def array_dfun(t, x):
                x = dfun(t, x)
                xarray = np.array(x)
                return xarray
            self.dfun = array_dfun
            self.dfun = dfun
        if len(xtest.shape) != 1:
            raise Exception(f'dfun: {dfun} output is not one dimensional')
        if not isinstance(xzero, np.ndarray):
            xzero = np.array(xzero)
        assert len(xzero.shape) == 1, 'xzero must be one dimensional'
        self.x = xzero
        self.stepcounter = 0

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

class ConstantTimestep(Integrator):
    '''The __init__ function of this class sets instance variables for
    integrators with a constant timestep.'''
    def __init__(self, dfun, xzero, timerange, timestep):
        super().__init__(dfun, xzero, timerange)
        assert ((self.timeend - self.timestart) / timestep) > 0, (
            "'timerange' and 'timestep' not consistant. "
            "Check signs and order.")
        self.timestep = timestep
        self.direction = np.sign(timestep)
        self.steps = np.ceil((self.timeend - self.timestart) / timestep)
        self.status = 'initialized'

[docs]class Euler(ConstantTimestep): '''Euler method integration. This class implements a generator. :param dfun: derivative function of the system. The differential system arranged as a series of first-order equations: :math:`\dot{X} = \mathrm{dfun}(t, x)`. Returns :math:`\dot{X}` should be a single dimensional array or list. :param xzero: the initial condition of the system :param timerange: the start and end times as (starttime, endtime) tuple/list/array. :param timestep: the timestep :returns: t, x for each iteration. t is a number. x is an array. ''' def __next__(self): if self.stepcounter < self.steps: if self.status == 'initialized': self.status = 'running' return self.time, self.x else: self.stepcounter += 1 dx = self.dfun(self.time, self.x) self.time, self.x = ( self.timestart + (self.stepcounter * self.timestep), self.x + (self.timestep * dx)) return self.time, self.x else: self.status = 'finished' raise StopIteration
[docs]def euler(dfun, xzero, timerange, timestep): '''Euler method integration. This function wraps the Euler class. :param All: All parameters are identical to the Euler class above. :returns: t, x as arrays. ''' t_column, X = zip(*list(Euler(dfun, xzero, timerange, timestep))) t_column = np.array(t_column) X_columns = np.vstack(X).T return t_column, X_columns
[docs]class Verlet(ConstantTimestep): '''Verlet method integration. This class implements a generator. :param ddfun: second derivative function of the system. The differential system arranged as a series of second-order equations: :math:`\ddot{X} = \mathrm{dfun}(t, x)` :param xzero: the initial condition of the system :param vzero: the initial condition of first derivative of the system :param timerange: the start and end times as (starttime, endtime) :param timestep: the timestep :returns: t, x, v for each iteration. ''' def __init__(self, ddfun, xzero, vzero, timerange, timestep): if not isinstance(vzero, np.ndarray): vzero = np.array(vzero) assert len(vzero.shape) == 1, 'vzero must be one dimensional' self.v = vzero if not isinstance(xzero, np.ndarray): xzero = np.array(xzero) assert len(xzero.shape) == 1, 'xzero must be one dimensional' self.xold = xzero super().__init__(ddfun, xzero, timerange, timestep) def __next__(self): if self.stepcounter < self.steps: if self.status == 'initialized': ddx = self.dfun(self.time, self.x) self.xnext = ( self.x + (self.v * self.timestep) + (ddx * (self.timestep**2) / 2)) self.status = 'running' return self.time, self.x, self.v else: self.stepcounter += 1 ddx = self.dfun(self.time + self.timestep, self.xnext) self.time, self.xold, self.x, self.xnext = [ self.timestart + (self.stepcounter * self.timestep), self.x, self.xnext, (2 * self.xnext) - self.x + (ddx * (self.timestep**2))] self.v = (self.xnext - self.xold) / (2 * self.timestep) return self.time, self.x, self.v else: self.status = 'finished' raise StopIteration
[docs]def verlet(ddfun, xzero, vzero, timerange, timestep): '''Verlet method integration. This function wraps the Verlet class. :param All: All parameters are identical to the Verlet class above. :returns: t, x, v as arrays. ''' t_column, X, V = zip(*list(Verlet(ddfun, xzero, vzero, timerange, timestep))) t_column = np.array(t_column) X_columns = np.vstack(X).T V_columns = np.vstack(V).T return t_column, X_columns, V_columns
[docs]class BackwardEuler(ConstantTimestep): '''Backward Euler method integration. This class implements a generator. :param dfun: Derivative function of the system. The differential system arranged as a series of first-order equations: :math:`\dot{X} = \mathrm{dfun}(t, x)` :param xzero: The initial condition of the system. :param vzero: The initial condition of first derivative of the system. :param timerange: The start and end times as (starttime, endtime). :param timestep: The timestep. :param convergencethreshold: Each step requires an iterative solution of an implicit equation. This is the threshold of convergence. :param maxiterations: Maximum iterations of the implicit equation before raising an exception. :returns: t, x for each iteration. ''' def __init__(self, dfun, xzero, timerange, timestep, convergencethreshold=0.0000000001, maxiterations=1000): assert convergencethreshold > 0, 'convergencethreshold must be > 0' self.convergencethreshold = convergencethreshold assert maxiterations > 0, 'maxiterations must be > 0' self.maxiterations = maxiterations super().__init__(dfun, xzero, timerange, timestep) def __next__(self): if self.stepcounter < self.steps: if self.status == 'initialized': self.status = 'running' return self.time, self.x else: self.stepcounter += 1 iterations = 0 error = 1 + self.convergencethreshold xn1 = self.x while ( (error >= self.convergencethreshold) and (iterations < self.maxiterations)): iterations += 1 xn2 = self.x + (self.dfun(self.time, xn1) * self.timestep) error = sum(abs(xn1 - xn2)) xn1 = xn2 if error <= self.convergencethreshold: self.time, self.x = ( self.timestart + (self.stepcounter * self.timestep), xn1) return self.time, self.x else: raise RuntimeError('maximum iterations exceeded') else: self.status = 'finished' raise StopIteration
[docs]def backwardeuler(dfun, xzero, timerange, timestep): '''Backward Euler method integration. This function wraps BackwardEuler. :param All: All parameters are identical to the BackwardEuler class above. :returns: t, x as arrays. ''' t_column, X = zip(*list(BackwardEuler(dfun, xzero, timerange, timestep))) t_column = np.array(t_column) X_columns = np.vstack(X).T return t_column, X_columns